Nikon D5 and 50mm f1.4 review. Looking for Pike and jumping in puddles

June 27, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

So I got issued the brand new Nikon D5 for work the other day. Along with a big bag of goodies that included the Nikon 50mm f1.4.

I used the D5 on a work job a few days after getting it and figuring out how to set it all up. I knew that if I could get it to act the same as my D4 I would be happy. I went through all the settings and sorted it out. I'm happy to say that it is bloody ace! 

The task I did for work can be found here.  It was Armed Forces day in Birmingham. 

I will talk about the camera and lens combo as I go through the images. Scroll down to view the results.



When I was back home in Bristol on the Sunday I got a phone call from my old man saying that he was taking his Dad, my Grandad Pike fishing. We were just about to take Jasper out for a walk so we thought we would join them. We jumped in the car and headed off to Keynsham. 


We met them at the carpark and took a walk along the river looking for pike and puddles. 


©Timothy Jones Amy and Stan.  The camera handled the difference in the shadows and highlights well. Not sure of the exact figures when it comes to dynamic range but its pretty sweet!

©Timothy Jones My Dad and Grandad.

©Timothy Jones

Stan has a thing about planes at the moment and he always points to the sky when he hears them. I waited for Stan to walk into an area of light to get this shot.

©Timothy Jones

This was shot at f1.6.



This next lot of pictures I tried out the AF-C mode (AF continuous, sometimes called continuous servo) mode while Stan jumped about in the puddles. He was walking up and down the lane in the puddle and splashed about. I used 'back button focusing' and shot in single frame mode and started snapping away.

©Timothy Jones ©Timothy Jones ©Timothy Jones ©Timothy Jones

As Stan was walking up and down the camera kept focus on point.


As we walked a bit further along we came to a field full of cows. Jasper was not too sure of them as they all came up to us to say hello. Stan on the other hand wanted to go along and say Hi himself. 

©Timothy Jones

This one came right up to us both and gave my hand a sniff. I've never seen cows act so inquisitive before.  ©Timothy Jones ©Timothy Jones

I have no idea what they were all doing here? They all seemed to group together and rub against each other. Maybe one of them had an itch?  


©Timothy Jones

My Dad, Stan and Grandad. I don't actually think they caught anything that day!

©Timothy Jones

I love these two pictures. All three of them wearing their wellies just finishes it off. 


To be honest I didn't put the new camera through its paces to its fullest with these. I guess that will come when I take it on a big job for work. So far after a few days of having it, it has done well! I'll just keep playing about with it and figuring out what new things I can do with it. 

More will come from this camera I'm sure of it till then,

Stay Safe and thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed the blog and if would like to see more check out my Facebook page or go follow me on Twitter





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