Looking up at Wesontbirt Arboretum

November 06, 2016  •  6 Comments

So I went to Westonbirt Arboretum a few days back. We only spent a few hours there due to Stan stacking in after two hours of running around in the leaves. To be honest he did well to go for that long. I took the camera along with me and grabbed a few shots of him running around and what we saw there.

I have been a few times before and wanted to get something different to the usual 'autumnal' shots you see at Westonbirt. I decided to 'look up' and get a different perspective. 

Take a look;

©Timothy Jones http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk They have built this groovy walkway that takes you right up into the trees

©Timothy Jones http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk

autumnal trees at westonbirtWestonbirt looking up at trees&#169;Timothy Jones <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/">http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/</a> https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk Some great textures and shapes to be seen 

autumnal trees at westonbirtWestonbirt looking up at trees&#169;Timothy Jones <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/">http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/</a> https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk


©Timothy Jones http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk Stan was loving the trees

©Timothy Jones http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk

autumnal trees at westonbirtWestonbirt looking up at trees&#169;Timothy Jones <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/">http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/</a> https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk autumnal trees at westonbirtWestonbirt looking up at trees&#169;Timothy Jones <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/">http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/</a> https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk autumnal trees at westonbirtWestonbirt looking up at trees&#169;Timothy Jones <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/">http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/</a> https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk

autumnal trees at westonbirtWestonbirt looking up at trees&#169;Timothy Jones <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/">http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/</a> https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk autumnal trees at westonbirtWestonbirt looking up at trees&#169;Timothy Jones <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/">http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/</a> https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk

©Timothy Jones http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk autumnal trees at westonbirtWestonbirt looking up at trees&#169;Timothy Jones <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/">http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/</a> https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk autumnal trees at westonbirtWestonbirt looking up at trees&#169;Timothy Jones <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/">http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/</a> https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk autumnal trees at westonbirtWestonbirt looking up at trees&#169;Timothy Jones <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/">http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/</a> https://www.facebook.com/jonesmrjones.co.uk

I just love the different perspective of the place, it's something different and looks amazing when you are there! We are planning another visit and we will be taking Jasper next time!

If would like to see more of my stuff check out my Facebook page or go follow me on Instagram or Twitter

While you are at it check out Stans Instagram






Emblem Enterprises, Inc.(non-registered)
To be honest he did well to go for that long.

I took the camera along with me and grabbed a few shots of him running around and what we saw there.

I have been a few times before and wanted to get something different to the usual 'autumnal' shots you see at Westonbirt.

I decided to 'look up' and get a different perspective.
Urbach Roofing, Inc.(non-registered)
We only spent a few hours there due to Stan stacking in after two hours of running around in the leaves. To be honest he did well to go for that long. I took the camera along with me and grabbed a few shots of him running around and what we saw there.

I have been a few times before and wanted to get something different to the usual 'autumnal' shots you see at Westonbirt. I decided to 'look up' and get a different perspective.
Serendipity Wellness Studio(non-registered)
So I went to Westonbirt Arboretum a few days back. We only spent a few hours there due to Stan stacking in after two hours of running around in the leaves. To be honest he did well to go for that long. I took the camera along with me and grabbed a few shots of him running around and what we saw there.

I have been a few times before and wanted to get something different to the usual 'autumnal' shots you see at Westonbirt. I decided to 'look up' and get a different perspective.
Ornament Central(non-registered)
The Westonbirt collection was originally started in the 1850’s by Robert Holford, a wealthy Victorian landowner who owned Westonbirt House and Estate. The Arboretum proudly boasts an internationally important collection of trees and shrubs. There are 15,000 labelled trees and around 2,500 different types of trees coming from Britain, Chile, China, Japan, North America and other temperate climates. Westonbirt Arboretum proudly boasts five national collections and 17 miles of paths to get around.

There are three main areas that make up the Arboretum: the Old Arboretum, the Silk Wood and the Downs which is a Grade 1 listed species rich area that is highly recommended as being a great area to have your picnic.

The Old Arboretum, which is a dog free zone, dates from the 1850s. It is the carefully designed landscape grounds made up of stately avenues of trees from all around the world and offering beautiful vistas.
Hi-Lo Industrial Trucks Co.(non-registered)
Establishing an arboretum is necessarily a long-term project but that at Westonbirt is now fully mature, having been founded in 1829 and systematically extended and planted over the years.

Originally developed by private landowners it has since 1956 been the responsibility of the Forestry Commission and now covers some 240 hectares, on which grow 15 000 trees and shrubs.

It is both an important scientific collection and research centre and a valuable public amenity, for education and recreation, attracting 200 000 visitors a year.
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