From the jungles of Brunei to inside the Arctic Circle of Norway, my year in pictures 2016

December 26, 2016  •  4 Comments

So here is my annual round up of 2016 in pictures!

This year has been pretty busy to be honest. I've travelled to a few countries, seen some amazing things, met some great people, won professional photographer of the year and experienced some pretty groovy stuff!

Some of these pictures have never been seen before. Some you will have already seen from previous blogs.

Same as last year its pretty picture heavy, just keep scrolling.



The first Job of the year was jet setting to Brunei. For more info on that trip check out this blog post-

Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 This goat was being taken off to be slaughtered, skinned, cooked and eaten. 


Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 Soldiers eating ants.


Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 The guys were shown how to gut fish.  


Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 The goat being slaughtered. 

  Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 The team out in the jungle.  


Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 Some of the places that we stumbled across looked amazing.  


Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 This was one of the entries into this years phot comp. 


Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 Another entry into the phot comp 


Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 Some of the guys chilling off in a river. 


Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 Me working on a boat in Brunei. 



The next job was covering female members training in a local boxing gym in Stafford. It was pretty cool meeting the girls. I just observed them training for a few hours, got to know them and got some good shots. 

Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 This shot was another that I entered into the phot comp. 


Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016



I spent a few days on Otternburn training area with 26 RA, more on that job here- Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 Another image from the phot comp.  



Year in pictures 2016Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC; Crown Copyright 2016 I love this shot it shows the size and power of the AS90




This job was down in London for the Operation GRANBY memorial service in the guards chapel. 

OP GRANBY memorialOP GRANBY memorialMembers of the Royal Family have joined Armed Forces personnel in London today to pay tribute to the thousands of Servicemen and women who took part in the First Gulf War on the 25th anniversary of the conflict.

On 17 January 1991, the United Nations launched the largest coalition of forces since the Second World War in response to the invasion of Kuwait.

The British contribution to these efforts – codenamed Operation GRANBY – involved the deployment of 53,000 UK Armed Forces personnel from the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force. A ceasefire was agreed just over a month later, on 28 February 1991.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
Inside the guards chapel.




I travelled all the way up to Carlise castle to set up a few photos that Army Phots had taken late last year for the response to the flooding up north. 

42X Community Covenent signing42X Community Covenent signingSOLDIERS AND CIVILIANS TO BUILD ON FLOOD EXPERIENCE

Army personnel and those from other organisations which worked on December’s flood response in Cumbria have met up again in Carlisle.

The evening reception was held on Thursday (March 3) and saw around 100 people from the military, the emergency services and local authorities in attendance.

Soldiers and civilians at the Carlisle Castle event hope to strengthen the strong bonds they formed during their four weeks together supporting communities affected by Storms Desmond, Eva and Frank.

For that reason the evening also had another function: from spring the Army Reserve intends to improve the range of roles it can offer potential recruits who live in the north of Cumbria, and Thursday’s event was an opportunity to talk about the plans.

Till now, those in and around Carlisle who wished to join the Army Reserve were restricted to roles in an Infantry unit or a field hospital – both based at Carlisle Army Reserve Centre. That is expected to change within months when artillery, engineering, logistics and military intelligence roles will be among those to be offered at the same location.

Thursday’s event also saw the signing of two Armed Forces Covenants; one by the Cumbria Chamber of Commerce, and another by Sellafield Ltd.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
The images were on show to the public and local dignitaries




This job is always fun. It's a regular task up in the Midlands, the final training before soldiers deploy on Operation TOSCA to Cyprus.  OP TOSCA MRXOP TOSCA MRXPhotographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016 This shot was put into my winning portfolio for this years phot comp.


OP TOSCA MRXOP TOSCA MRXPhotographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016 I always like to get involved with stuff like this. I got hit a few times but its worth it for the shots. 


OP TOSCA MRXOP TOSCA MRXPhotographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016 A little pic of me at work. I took a potential photographer with me on this job and he grabbed a few of me at work. 




I was off to Tidworth to cover the boxing for 1 RRF against 13 RLC. It was my first time covering boxing it was pretty hard but cracked how to do it in the end.



Another boxing night, this time at Bramcote Barracks for the Royal Signals champs. They had much better light at this boxing event!

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016 Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016




This job was an odd one. I had was tasked to follow a US General round for a couple of days while he did visit to the UK.  General Robert B ABRAMS, Commanding General U.S. Army Forces Command (CG FORSCOM)
arrived in the UK yesterday with his wife Connie to meet CGS General Carter and deliver the
Kermet Roosevelt Lecture to over 800 senior army officers. After a tour of Salisbury Cathedral and
Stonehenge, the General, who was commissioned in 1982, will travel to Tidworth to kick off his lecture entitled
'Surge-Ready... Rotationally Focused'.

During the weeks tour, General Abrams will deliver a talk to the Defence Academy Shrivenham and the Army Foundation
College in Harrogate. He will be hosted at the House of Commons by Black Rod and also visit Highclere Castle, the location for the
popular period drama, Downton Abbey.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
©Timothy Jones



Back down to London for this job-

Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall attended a service of remembrance and re-dedication at St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, honouring Victoria Cross and George Cross recipients.
After the service The Prince of Wales who is President of the Victoria Cross and George Cross Association and The Duchess, joined members and their guests at a tea party at St James’s Palace in support of the Association.
The Victoria Cross and George Cross Association represent all living holders of the Victoria Cross, the United Kingdom’s highest military award bestowed to those who have shown valour in the face of the enemy.  Among those attending the event was Lance Corporal Joshua Leakey VC of the 1st Battalion the Parachute Regiment, who was presented with his Victoria Cross for heroic action in Helmand Province, Afghanistan by Her Majesty The Queen last year.
The George Cross is awarded to civilians and military personnel who have displayed the greatest heroism or the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall attended a service of remembrance and re-dedication at St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, honouring Victoria Cross and George Cross recipients.
After the service The Prince of Wales who is President of the Victoria Cross and George Cross Association and The Duchess, joined members and their guests at a tea party at St James’s Palace in support of the Association.
The Victoria Cross and George Cross Association represent all living holders of the Victoria Cross, the United Kingdom’s highest military award bestowed to those who have shown valour in the face of the enemy.  Among those attending the event was Lance Corporal Joshua Leakey VC of the 1st Battalion the Parachute Regiment, who was presented with his Victoria Cross for heroic action in Helmand Province, Afghanistan by Her Majesty The Queen last year.
The George Cross is awarded to civilians and military personnel who have displayed the greatest heroism or the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016



And for the HAC open evening. 







Off to sunny Cyprus for a couple of days for this. I was on video so didn't take any stills apart from this goat in a tree. 

DSC_3120DSC_3120Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016



Shrewsbury for this next task

APO WMID-2016-031-038APO WMID-2016-031-038A Military First for Shropshire:
St Chad’s Church Shrewsbury signs the Armed Forces Covenant

Shropshire's Civic Church – St. Chad’s Church in Shrewsbury is the first church in the UK to sign the Armed Forces Covenant. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York signed the Covenant in 2015 of behalf of the entire Church of England, but St Chad’s is the first individual church to follow their lead.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
The first church in the UK to sign the Armed Forces Covenant.


I was off to HQ ARRC for their annual music festival. I enjoyed this job as nightlife and festivals was where I first got into photography. 

TIM_0081TIM_0081Imjin Music Festival 2016 celebrating Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th Birthday

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
TIM_0243TIM_0243Imjin Music Festival 2016 celebrating Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th Birthday

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
The Bootleg Beatles.


TIM_0271TIM_0271Imjin Music Festival 2016 celebrating Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th Birthday

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016



A couple of days in Birmingham city centre for Armed Forces Day. The flag raising and the actual day itself. I feel that this event gets less and less attended every year. 

DSC_4787DSC_4787The Armed Forces Day flag raised on Centenary Square, Birmingham in preparation for Armed Forces Day.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
APOWMID-2016-036-0016APOWMID-2016-036-0016Armed Forces Day Centenary Square, Birmingham

Pictured: a Chihuahuas gets in the spirit of Armed Forces Day.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
APOWMID-2016-036-0022APOWMID-2016-036-0022Armed Forces Day Centenary Square, Birmingham

Pictured: Representatives of all three armed forces and church take part in the Drumhead service.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016


Off to Northampton for a job with the Police and The Royal Anglians. 


Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016


The Brigade Commander of 11th Signal and West Midlands Brigade was doing a sponsored bike ride to France.

TIM_0811TIM_0811Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016



I covered this job last year, it was the annual Brigade reception. I positioned myself at a different viewpoint this year and got some different shots. It worked pretty well as you don't really see events like this from this point of view. 

APOWMID-2016-044-031APOWMID-2016-044-03111th Signal & West Midlands Brigade hosted a reception of local civic dignitaries, military VIPs and Brigade personalities on the evening of the 21st July 2016.

The evening followed the format of a formal reception and included the The Band of the Brigade of Gurkhas, The Band of the Staffordshire & West Midlands Army Cadet Force, The Pipes and Drums of the Royal Corps of Signals and the Queens Gurkha Signals Dancers and finally a ‘Beating the Retreat.’

Pictured: The Band of the Staffordshire & West Midlands Army Cadet Force

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
APOWMID-2016-044-077APOWMID-2016-044-07711th Signal & West Midlands Brigade hosted a reception of local civic dignitaries, military VIPs and Brigade personalities on the evening of the 21st July 2016.

The evening followed the format of a formal reception and included the The Band of the Brigade of Gurkhas, The Band of the Staffordshire & West Midlands Army Cadet Force, The Pipes and Drums of the Royal Corps of Signals and the Queens Gurkha Signals Dancers and finally a ‘Beating the Retreat.’

Pictured: The Queens Gurkha Signals Dancers

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
APOWMID-2016-044-290APOWMID-2016-044-29011th Signal & West Midlands Brigade hosted a reception of local civic dignitaries, military VIPs and Brigade personalities on the evening of the 21st July 2016.

The evening followed the format of a formal reception and included the The Band of the Brigade of Gurkhas, The Band of the Staffordshire & West Midlands Army Cadet Force, The Pipes and Drums of the Royal Corps of Signals and the Queens Gurkha Signals Dancers and finally a ‘Beating the Retreat.’

Pictured: The Band of the Brigade of Gurkhas

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016


202 Field Hospital had set up a field hospital in a real hospital in Shropshire. APOWMID-2016-046-001APOWMID-2016-046-001ARMY RESERVISTS SET UP FIELD HOSPITAL AT SHREWSBURY HOSPITAL

Army Reservists from Shrewsbury based 202 Field Hospital showed off their battlefield ready field hospital to medics at the town’s main hospital today.
Around 40 members of C Detachment, based next door to the former Copthorne Barracks site, were taking part in “Exercise Clinical Compare” – designed to build links with their civilian counterparts at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.

The initiative was also aimed at highlighting the myriad career opportunities for civilian medics in the Royal Army Medical Corps, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps and wider Army Medical Services.
Reservists from the unit showed doctors, nurses, and health care assistants from the hospital around the field hospital, which was set up complete with an operating theatre and wards, in the grounds of the hospital in Copthorne Road.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016

Army Reservists from Shrewsbury based 202 Field Hospital showed off their battlefield ready field hospital to medics at the town’s main hospital today.
Around 40 members of C Detachment, based next door to the former Copthorne Barracks site, were taking part in “Exercise Clinical Compare” – designed to build links with their civilian counterparts at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.

The initiative was also aimed at highlighting the myriad career opportunities for civilian medics in the Royal Army Medical Corps, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps and wider Army Medical Services.
Reservists from the unit showed doctors, nurses, and health care assistants from the hospital around the field hospital, which was set up complete with an operating theatre and wards, in the grounds of the hospital in Copthorne Road.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016

This was a model of the field hospital set up in Iraq. 


I had covered this job the previous year. It was the Raksha Bandhan festival at a Hindu temple in Birmingham. It was a pretty groovy event, we got to see the whole temple, listen to members of the Armed Forces Hindu Network and eat some lush food that the temple had cooked for us. 

TIM_2700TIM_2700Armed Forces hindu Network hold Raksha Bandhan festival at Shree Geeta Bhawan Temple, Birmingham.

Raksha Bandhan is a major Hindu festival, symbolising bonds of mutual protection within families and within communities.

For Armed Forces Hindus, Raksha Bandhan holds particular significance as it’s a chance to celebrate and emphasise the duty the Armed Forces have to protect their society.

Pictured: Women from the Hindu Community carry out the Raksha Bandhan ceremony on members of the Armed forces

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
TIM_2814TIM_2814Armed Forces hindu Network hold Raksha Bandhan festival at Shree Geeta Bhawan Temple, Birmingham.

Raksha Bandhan is a major Hindu festival, symbolising bonds of mutual protection within families and within communities.

For Armed Forces Hindus, Raksha Bandhan holds particular significance as it’s a chance to celebrate and emphasise the duty the Armed Forces have to protect their society.

Pictured: Airtrooper Vivek Sangani a member of the Armed Forces Hindu Network

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016



Another training exercise before a unti deployed for Cyprus on OP TOSCA. I didn't cover the public order bit this time just the helicopter emergency drills. There was a lot of fake blood and some great acting by the amputees. 


APO WMID-2016-052-0022APO WMID-2016-052-0022Reserve soldiers and their regular colleagues are preparing to deploy to Cyprus to undertake a six-month United Nations peacekeeping mission.

More than 250 soldiers have been undertaking three months of training to prepare them for The British contribution to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).

The soldiers from the 2nd and 4th Battalions of the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment augmented by a small number of soldiers from 4 Mercian Regiment have been training at Longmoor Camp in Hampshire and on Nesscliffe training area in Shropshire ahead of their deployment.

They are currently taking part in a final mission rehearsal exercise in Nesscliffe when they will be evaluated by UN Assessors.

The British contribution is known as Op TOSCA - one of the longest-ever running United Nations missions.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
APO WMID-2016-052-0026APO WMID-2016-052-0026Reserve soldiers and their regular colleagues are preparing to deploy to Cyprus to undertake a six-month United Nations peacekeeping mission.

More than 250 soldiers have been undertaking three months of training to prepare them for The British contribution to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).

The soldiers from the 2nd and 4th Battalions of the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment augmented by a small number of soldiers from 4 Mercian Regiment have been training at Longmoor Camp in Hampshire and on Nesscliffe training area in Shropshire ahead of their deployment.

They are currently taking part in a final mission rehearsal exercise in Nesscliffe when they will be evaluated by UN Assessors.

The British contribution is known as Op TOSCA - one of the longest-ever running United Nations missions.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
APO WMID-2016-052-0059APO WMID-2016-052-0059Reserve soldiers and their regular colleagues are preparing to deploy to Cyprus to undertake a six-month United Nations peacekeeping mission.

More than 250 soldiers have been undertaking three months of training to prepare them for The British contribution to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).

The soldiers from the 2nd and 4th Battalions of the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment augmented by a small number of soldiers from 4 Mercian Regiment have been training at Longmoor Camp in Hampshire and on Nesscliffe training area in Shropshire ahead of their deployment.

They are currently taking part in a final mission rehearsal exercise in Nesscliffe when they will be evaluated by UN Assessors.

The British contribution is known as Op TOSCA - one of the longest-ever running United Nations missions.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016



Next trip was off to Germany for a few days to cover a big NATO exercise. 14 nations were involved with a hell of a lot of armour and people!

APO WMID-2016-053-0026APO WMID-2016-053-0026Armed forces from across NATO have come together to train on the interoperability exercise EX VENERABLE GAUNTLET.

26 RA fire their AS90 Self propelled howitzer

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
DSC_4929DSC_4929Armed forces from across NATO have come together to train on the interoperability exercise EX VENERABLE GAUNTLET.

A Polish BWP-1 AFV

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
DSC_4993DSC_4993Armed forces from across NATO have come together to train on the interoperability exercise EX VENERABLE GAUNTLET.

Challenger 2 tank

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
DSC_5016DSC_5016Armed forces from across NATO have come together to train on the interoperability exercise EX VENERABLE GAUNTLET.

The final line up of the Armoured vehicles used.

L-R Challenger 2 MBT, Estonian Sisu XA-188, Scimitar CVR(T), Warrior AFV, Polish BWP-1 AFV, Polish KTO Rosomak AKA The Wolverine ,Stormer CVR(T), Challenger 2 MBT.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
TIM_3697TIM_3697Armed forces from across NATO have come together to train on the interoperability exercise EX VENERABLE GAUNTLET.

Soldiers from Spains Grupo de Artillería de Campaña de la Legión (GACALEG) carry out room clearances in the fibua village on EX VENERABLE GAUNTLET

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
TIM_3775TIM_3775Armed forces from across NATO have come together to train on the interoperability exercise EX VENERABLE GAUNTLET.

Inside the back of a command variant of a Warrior AFV

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016



On the way back from Germany we did a short stopover in France to cover a ceremony involving HRH The Prince of Wales and The Royal Tank Regiment.

APO WMID-2016-054-0027APO WMID-2016-054-0027HRH The Prince of Wales attended a New Zealand-led WW1 commemoration at Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval, France. Also in attendance were elements of the British Army's Royal Tank Regiment as part of the ongoing commemoration of 100 years of the tank in warfare 1916 - 2016.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
APO WMID-2016-054-0031APO WMID-2016-054-0031HRH The Prince of Wales gave a speech at a New Zealand-led WW1 commemoration at Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval, France. Also in attendance were elements of the British Army's Royal Tank Regiment as part of the ongoing commemoration of 100 years of the tank in warfare 1916 - 2016.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
APO WMID-2016-054-0015APO WMID-2016-054-0015HRH The Prince of Wales attended a New Zealand-led WW1 commemoration at Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval, France. Also in attendance were elements of the British Army's Royal Tank Regiment as part of the ongoing commemoration of 100 years of the tank in warfare 1916 - 2016.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
APO WMID-2016-054-0017APO WMID-2016-054-0017HRH The Prince of Wales attended a New Zealand-led WW1 commemoration at Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval, France. Also in attendance were elements of the British Army's Royal Tank Regiment as part of the ongoing commemoration of 100 years of the tank in warfare 1916 - 2016.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
APO WMID-2016-054-0022APO WMID-2016-054-0022HRH The Prince of Wales attended a New Zealand-led WW1 commemoration at Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval, France. Also in attendance were elements of the British Army's Royal Tank Regiment as part of the ongoing commemoration of 100 years of the tank in warfare 1916 - 2016.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016



TIM_4146TIM_4146Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016 TIM_4201TIM_4201Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016 TIM_4251TIM_4251Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016


Shortly after the Germany job I was posted to Andover as part of a 3 man Combat Camera Team (CCT)

My first week there was a busy one. This was the first job I was on. At Copehill down covering FIBUA

DSC_5230DSC_5230Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016 DSC_5244DSC_5244Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016

TIM_7005TIM_7005Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016


Back down to London for the state visit of the President of Colombia.

TIM_8604TIM_8604Pictured: Major Charlie Starkey, The President of the Republic of Colombia and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh inspect the troops.

No detail was overlooked as Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh formally welcomed The President of the Republic of Colombia and Mrs Maria Clemencia Rodriguez de Santos to Britain today on Horse Guards Parade at the start of Colombia's first ever State Visit to the UK.  State Visits are the highest form of diplomatic contact between Sovereign states and are the high point of the ceremonial season.  The three day visit will combine a programme of business, diplomacy and culture.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016


First job on Salisbury plain in a while. Went off with one of the new Phots Ben to do some stuff with the HCR. 

ARMY-HQ-2016-171-042ARMY-HQ-2016-171-042Soldiers from C Sqn Household Cavalry Regiment deployed to Salisbury Plain last week on EX IRON SCOUT 3. The Household Cavalry Regiment is an Armoured Cavalry regiment equipped with CVR(T) recognisance vehicles (soon to receive the new AJAX vehicle) that allow the Regiment to project forward large distances and provide the forward recognisance for 1 (Armoured) Brigade. Currently held at high readiness to deploy anywhere in the world, the Squadron used this demanding exercise to continue their work towards mounted excellence, refining their manoeuvres at night and seizing opportunities that the weather presented to close undetected towards the enemy. They worked alongside 4/73 (Sphinx) Special Observation Post Battery and 216 (Parachute) Signals Squadron to provide by day or by night, and in any weather, unblinking surveillance.


This was a long old night. The Army Sports Awards.  ArmyHQ-2016-174-028ArmyHQ-2016-174-028Pictured:

The Army Sports Awards 2016 is a prestigious event held at The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, The purpose of this special evening is to celebrate the achievements in Army Sport by recognising those who have given an outstanding performance in their individual field.

The evening is hosted Lt Col Steve Davis and attended by General Sir Nicholas Carter KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen Chief of the General Staff, and attended by all ranks of the Army by athletes from a wide range of disciplines, from Football to Karate.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
ArmyHQ-2016-174-031ArmyHQ-2016-174-031The Army Sports Awards 2016 is a prestigious event held at The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, The purpose of this special evening is to celebrate the achievements in Army Sport by recognising those who have given an outstanding performance in their individual field.

The evening is hosted Lt Col Steve Davis and attended by General Sir Nicholas Carter KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen Chief of the General Staff, and attended by all ranks of the Army by athletes from a wide range of disciplines, from Football to Karate.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016


London for Remembrance Sunday. More pictures from that job here-

TIM_9421TIM_9421Pictured: Veterans meet each other prior to setting off for the Act of Remembrance at the Cenotaph.

His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, Colonel Welsh Guards, has joined serving and former Guardsmen to remember all soldiers killed since the Regiment was formed in 1915.

The Prince joined the Regiment and members of The Welsh Guards Association at Wellington Barracks on Sunday for its Remembrance service. The Prince had earlier attended the observation of the National Act of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in Whitehall and taken the salute from the Veterans’ Parade on Horseguards

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016


In the afternoon I went off to Wellington Barracks for the Black Sunday remembrance parade for the Welsh Guards. It was The Prince of Wales's Birthday the day after and everyone sang Happy Birthday to him in Welsh.  TIM_9895TIM_9895His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, Colonel Welsh Guards, has joined serving and former Guardsmen to remember all soldiers killed since the Regiment was formed in 1915.

The Prince joined the Regiment and members of The Welsh Guards Association at Wellington Barracks on Sunday for its Remembrance service. The Prince had earlier attended the observation of the National Act of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in Whitehall and taken the salute from the Veterans’ Parade on Horseguards

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016

And to my penultimate job of the year, EX ICE READY in Norway. More on that one here-

ArmyHQ-2016-181-105ArmyHQ-2016-181-105EX ICE READY

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016
ArmyHQ-2016-181-543ArmyHQ-2016-181-543EX ICE READY

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016

My final job. Pretty shite to be honest. Was just a grip and grin in the Headquarters for a sports comp. This was the only interesting shot I got. 

ArmyHQ-2016-189-TJ-001ArmyHQ-2016-189-TJ-001DCGS presents The Generals Cup to DInfo for winning the Cross country cup.

Photographer: Cpl Timothy Jones RLC Crown Copyright 2016


Well that was it for 2016. Pretty busy. got up to some groovy stuff and got named British Army Photographer of the year

Back to work in Jan and a few more jobs lined up already. Hoping to get a few more passport stamps and to go on some amazing adventures. 


Hope everyone has had a great year!








If would like to see more of my stuff check out my Facebook page or go follow me on Instagram or Twitter

While you are at it check out Stans Instagram

More Army Phot stuff- check out our Facebook page.




Smoky Row Children's Center, Inc.(non-registered)
In the afternoon I went off to Wellington Barracks for the Black Sunday remembrance parade for the Welsh Guards.
It was The Prince of Wales's Birthday the day after and everyone sang Happy Birthday to him in Welsh.
Courtesy Accounting(non-registered)
Well that was it for 2016. Pretty busy. got up to some groovy stuff and got named British Army Photographer of the year.

Back to work in Jan and a few more jobs lined up already.

Hoping to get a few more passport stamps and to go on some amazing adventures.
Staten Island Veterinary Group(non-registered)
This year has been pretty busy to be honest.
I have travelled to a few countries, seen some amazing things.
Met some great people, won professional photographer of the year and experienced some pretty groovy stuff!
I think this is a real great blog post. Really thank you! Fantastic.
No comments posted.

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